


    Product Brand

794 Products

  • Soundsticks® Cluster OffecctSoundsticks® Cluster Offecct

    Making a commercial product with left over materials, is easy to say but hard to do. But after deep discussions and elaborate workshops with Andrea Ruggiero, a design and a method was developed that not only ensured a sustainable product, but also a product that could add something new and…

  • Soundsticks® Offecct Acoustic Room DividerSoundsticks® Offecct Acoustic Room Divider

    Making a commercial product with left over materials, is easy to say but hard to do. But after deep discussions and elaborate workshops with Andrea Ruggiero, a design and a method was developed that not only ensured a sustainable product, but also a product that could add something new and…

  • Soundwave® Wicker Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Wicker Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Wicker, the prized and celebrated architects Gert Wingårdh and Erik Wikerstål have given the acoustic panel its perfect expression. With its woven surface, Wicker gives an industrial product with supreme acoustic qualities a touch of traditional crafts. The origin of Wicker is a material with an expression and a…

  • Soundwave® Wall Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Wall Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Wall is the largest acoustic panel made by Offecct to date, it is built upon the existing standard measures set by Offecct’s successful acoustic panels collection Soundwave®. ”Soundwave® Wall stretches from floor to ceiling, it’s a panel that is a part of the architecture in a building, like a…

  • Soundwave® Village Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Village Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Village is an acoustic panel designed by Claesson Koivisto Rune. Soundwave® Village is a successful pairing of architecture and design. It has a complicated geometry, in which the sound-absorbent properties have determined the pattern. The Claesson Koivisto Rune and Offecct design team applied acoustics principles to tweak and twist…

  • Soundwave® Swell Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Swell Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Swell was one of the first panels launched by Offecct. Its core values lies in its function, and Teppo Asikainen refused to compromise with the look. The piece has a very strong personality and acts as a kind of 3D wallpaper giving the room the right aesthetic feeling and…

  • Soundwave® Swell Diffuser Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Swell Diffuser Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Scrunch is designed by Teppo Asikainen. The inspiration for the pattern of Scrunch comes from a creased paper. Sound and acoustics are two of the most important and most overlooked factors when it comes to creating the right atmosphere for interaction in areas where people communicate and socialize. The…

  • Soundwave® Stripes Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Stripes Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Stripes is a sound absorbent designed by Richard Hutten. Hutten’s design of Stripes is characterized by flexibility; a flexibility that means that Soundwave® Stripes can be combined in many different ways. This in turn means that each interior where Stripes is used can become unique. The diversity that Stripes…

  • Soundwave® Sky Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Sky Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Sky is designed by Marre Moerel who got the inspiration for the sound absorbing panel from the silhouette of cities, in particular that of New York, but the pattern can also be seen as an abstraction of nature. The panels have a regular, rectangular form. When placed horizontally a…

  • Soundwave® Scrunch Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Scrunch Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Scrunch is designed by Teppo Asikainen. The inspiration for the pattern of Scrunch comes from a creased paper. Sound and acoustics are two of the most important and most overlooked factors when it comes to creating the right atmosphere for interaction in areas where people communicate and socialize. The…

  • Soundwave® Pix Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Pix Acoustic Panel

    The sound absorbing panel Soundwave® Pix is designed by the French designer Jean-Marie Massaud. Soundwave® Pix provides architects with the possibility to create unique rooms by offering the option to combine colors and forms in different ways. Soundwave® Pix complements the sound absorbing function with the potential of esthetic variation…

  • Soundwave® Luna Acoustic PanelSoundwave® Luna Acoustic Panel

    Soundwave® Luna is a heavyweight broadband absorber with extended efficiency in the low frequency range (150 Hz-500 Hz). This panel is very efficient in reducing the reverberation time (sound ‘’bouncing around”) in a room. This means that disturbing background noise will be reduced and voice intelligibility will be greatly improved.…