Post Covid-19 / Pre-Vaccine Workplace
To keep ourselves and others safe, we all need to play our part, observing the new Covid-19 workplace protocols at all times. Confidence and trust are critical to success, and these will only be sustained if each of us not only behaves responsibly but is also seen to be behaving responsibly.
Orangebox has produced The Hula Hoop Office to help everyone, in any size of organisation, to understand, memorise and adhere to the new protocols. They’ve featured the Hula Hoop (a 1950s craze) as it offers a neat visual representation of what a safe distance from office colleagues looks like; the combination of one’s 1m hoop and other’s 1m hoop creating the mandatory 2m distance people need to maintain between themselves at all times.
As part of The Hula Hoop Office Orangebox have outlined some accompanying recommendations they feel necessary to consider in people’s new binding behavioral contract with their employer and fellow employees.
No 1.
Visualise your own 1m Hula Hoop (1m + 1m = 2m) to make it easier to maintain the required 2m social distance. Close contact can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 2.
Observe the new protocols, as these are designed to keep you and your colleagues safe. Without them the Hula Hoop Office isn’t viable. Failure to follow the protocols can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 3.
Adhere to the traffic flow protocols of your workplace, and never endanger a colleague by breaching the 2m protocol. Close contact can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 4.
Always approach your colleagues face on, never from behind. Close contact can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 5.
Carry your personal workmat with you wherever you go – and always make use of it. That way, you can make every surface your surface. A contaminated surface can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 6.
Use the Orangebox polyflute personal work screen when working at a worktable. Aerial transmission can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 7.
Please add another layer of protection by wearing a facemask, and you’ll help keep both yourself and your colleagues safe. Close contact can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 8.
Always wash your hands if you touch a new surface. A contaminated surface can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 9.
Always carry tissues, in case you need to sneeze or cough. Aerial transmission can lead to infection by Covid-19.
No 10.
Never leave personal items on your work area. This can lead to infection by Covid-19.
Re-appropriate & re-combine
The Hula Hoop Office requires us to always stay at least 2m away from our colleagues. This can be facilitated by modifying existing products, by creating new combinations, or through a combination of both. Within the Covid-19 workplace, the Smartworking® 3 Ps have taken on new significance:
Proximity: visualising our Hula Hoops makes maintaining our new personal proximity protocols at all times easier!
Privacy: to safeguard trust within the Covid-19 workplace, always clearly signal to interrupt a colleague or get their attention, and never breach the Hula Hoop rule (1m + 1m = 2M).
Permission: to be operationally safe within the Covid-19 workplace, we must only use spaces in the permitted ways, and must always abide by the new protocols.