Steelcase, Smith System

Interchange Rectangle Activity Table – 30″ Deep

This sleek, contemporary table provides solid functionality and matches the look of Interchange student desks. Its large work surface provides ample space for projects and work of all kinds. Available in 4 standard laminate colors, 4 standard edge colors and Platinum frame. Adjusts from 22″-34″ (559-864mm) H. The 30″ (762mm)  deep model comes in 60″(1524mm) width.

The Interchange Activity Tables have a rejuvenat-ed look with our Interchange Ellipse leg sets. The tables offer a stable work surface for the classroom. Interchange Activity tables match the look and style of Interchange student desks for a uniform look in the classroom.The LEG SETS are made in pairs, made of 16 gauge steel elliptical stems and inserts, 14 gauge cross brace and 12 gauge plates. Frame consists of two fully welded segments. Legs have a full, even and long lasting powdercoat finish. Ends are protected with a textured cap and securely captured leveling glide for fine tuning adjustment on uneven floors. Table height adjusts from 22” – 34” in 1” increments. Adjustment for each leg is secured by two 3/8” set screws. The WORK SURFACE is made of 1 1/4” or 3/4” thick, high density particle board core, double sided with a 0.030” high pressure laminate and bumper edge that is mechanically fastened every 6”-8”. Tops are pre-drilled for leg set attachment and ease of installa-tion. Tables and legs are supported by one or more 2” x 3” channels with four breakovers for optimum strength.

The Desk is a perfect combination with the Flavors Stack Chair.